Russian Revolution
Condition in Russia Pre-Revolution
- Most European countries by this time were either Republics or Constitutional monarchies. But Russia was still under autocratic rule of Czars.
- Serfdom abolished in 1861 but condition of peasants not improved.
- Small land holding with no capital to develop them.
- Bad working condition for workers.
- Late industrialisation of Russia. After 1850's developed very fast
- investment from foreign countries, unconcerned about Russian people.
- Russian capitalists had insufficient capital so exploited workers = low wages.
- No political right to worker.
- Widespread hostility towards Czars.
- Inflexible, inefficient bureaucracy.
- Cultural suppression of Non-Russian nationalities.
Growth of Revolutionary Movements in Russia
- "going to the people" - intellectuals started preaching their ideas to the peasants.
- George Plekhanov, follower of Marx, formed Russian Social Democratic Party in 1883. Other socialist group joined this and reformed as Russian Social Democratic Labour Party in 1898.
- Two groups in this party
- Mensheviks : favoured party if the type which existed in France and Germany. Participate in election to Parliament.
- Bolsheviks : favoured a party of those who would abide by the discipline of the party and work for revolution. Leader = Lenin.
- 1904 war between Russia and Japan
- Russian army suffered reverses in war, strengthned the revolutionay movement in Russia.
- Bloody Sunday, 1905
- peaceful workers going to Winter Palace to present their petition to Czar.
- Thousands of them killed, provoked unprecedent disturbance in Russia.
- sections of the army and the navy revolted too.
- Czar yielded and announced
- granting freedom of speech, press and association.
- conferred power to make laws through an elected body, "Duma".
- principles for making Russia a constitutional monarchy.
- Czar later relapsed into his old ways. No hope for gradual reform.
- 1905 revolution failed but proved to be dress rehearsal for 1917 revolution. Aroused the people and prepared them for revolution.
- Russia involvement in WWI
- to satisfy its imperialist ambition.
- Czarist state incapable of modern warfare.
- unmindful of condition of soilders at front.
Lenin's "The fundamental law for successful revolution."
- People should fully understand that revolution is necessary and be ready to sacrifice their lives for it.
- The existing government should be in a state of crisis to make it possible for it to be overthrown rapidly.
1917 Revolution
- demonstration by working class women trying to purchase bread.
- followed by general strike of workers, later joined by soldiers.
- In March 1917, St. Petersburg fell into the hands of revolutionaries, soon took over Moscow too.
- Czar gave up throne and provisional government formed. This is known as February Revolution.
- Provisional government under Kerensky lost people support due to non-compliance of revolution demands.
- Winter Palace occupied by group of Sailors in October, led to fall of Kerensky government. This is known as October Revolution.
Objectives of Russian Revolution
- Peace.
- Land to the tiller.
- Control of industry by workers.
- Equal status for non-Russian nationalities.
Civil War
- After October Revolution, officers of the army of the fallen Czar organised an armed rebellion against the Soviet State.
- England, France, Japan, US and others provided help to rebels.
- War ended in 1920. Even though Red Army was ill-equipped and composed mainly of peasants and workers defeated the better equipped and better trained forces.
Effects of Russian Revolution
- Russia withdrew from WWI.
- Territories ceded to Germany as a price for peace.
- Estates of landlords, the Church and the Czar confiscated and transferred to peasants' societies to be allotted to peasants families to be cultivated without hired labour.
- Control of industries transferred to shop committees of workers.
- Banks and Insurance companies, large industries, mines, water transport and railways nationalised.
- Foreign debts repudiated and foreign investment confiscated.
- Overthrow of autocracy and destruction of aristocracy and the powers of church.
- Czarist empire transformed into a new state called Union if Soviet Socialist Republic (USSR).
- Private profit eliminated from the system of production.
- Economic planning adopted by State to build a technologically advanced economy at a fast rate and to eliminate glaring inequalities in society.
- Right to work became a constitutional right.
- Education was given high priority.
- Equality of all the nationalities in USSR was recognised.
Effect of Russian Revolution on World
- Russian revolution was the first successful revolution in history which proclaimed the building of a socialist society as its objective.
- Communist International/ Third International/ Comintern formed for promoting revolutions in an international scale.
- Left wing sections in many socialist parties now formed themselves into communist parties and they affiliated themselves to Comintern.
- Comintern decided on policies to be followed by all communist parties.
- Russia openly supported the cause of independence of all nations from foreign rule.
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