Domination of China started with Opium Wars.
Opium Wars
- Before opium wars only two ports opened to foreign traders.
- No market for British goods in China.
- British merchants started smuggling Opium into China on large scale. Very profitable trade.
- Did immense physical and moral damage to Chinese.
- In 1839, China seized opium cargo and destroyed it.
- Britain declared war and defeated China.
- China forced to pay heavy damages and open 5 port cities to British traders.
- Chinese government agreed that future British subjects in these port cities would be tried for any crimes in English rather than Chinese courts. - Known as extraterritorial rights.
- Chinese government not free to impose tariff on foreign goods.
- Hong Kong given to China.
China-Japan War
- Japan tried to increase her influence over Korea.
- Korea under Chinese overlordship. China resented; two countries went to war in 1894.
- China got defeated. China gave Korea her independence, ceded Formosa and other islands to Japan.
- Forced to pay heavy war damages of 150 million USD.
- France, Russia, Britain and Germany gave loans to China to meet this payment.
- In lieu divided China into spheres of influence. Each country has certain regions of China reserved exclusively for its purpose.
- Germany: Kiachow Bay + Shantung + Hwang Ho valley.
- Russia: Liatong Penisula + right to build railroads in Manchuria.
- France: Kwangchow Bay + 3 southern provinces to China.
- Britain: Wei-hi-Wei + Yangtze Valley.
- US feared that its trade with China would be shutoff suggested "Open door"/ "Me too" policy.
- Open door - all countries will have equal rights to trade anywhere in China.
- Britain supported US to discourage annexation of China by Japan and Russia.
- Scramble for privileges stopped in China after an uprising against the foreign power known as Boxer rebellion (1898-1900).
- Foreign powers were victorious and levied heavy damages on China as punishment.
- China was not conquered and occupied by any imperialist country, but the effects of these developments were same as in areas which had been colonized.
- Division of China into spheres of influence - "cutting of the Chinese melon"
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